Jack Canfield – Event Branding – Breakthrough to Success
The Brand Tree
Event Branding for Jack Canfield’s Breakthrough to Success.
Chicken Soup for the Soul® originator Jack Canfield trains entrepreneurs, educators, corporate leaders and motivated individuals how to accelerate the achievement of their personal and professional goals. Jack’s biggest yearly event, the week-long “Breakthrough to Success” has been HOLO-branded for several years and Jack’s team continues to turn to us for yearly inspiration and updates to this successful program.
We developed the event’s identity, signage, web design, video marketing and even the videos that bring audience members to their feet when they welcome Jack as his signature events.
Below is the latest in a series of videos ResonantBrand has produced for Jack Canfield’s big yearly event “Breakthrough to Success.” Among other extraordinary achievements, Jack holds the Guinness Book of World Records for the most simultaneous titles on the New York Times’ Bestseller List: Seven books at once! the creative solution was a blockbuster trailer style, complete with paparazzi effects in the obligatory ratings screen at the beginning: Rated “T” for Transformational…
Below is the 2012 version of our “Breakthrough to Success” video.